Friday, October 20, 2006

A Science Assignment

You know, back in the days of my 7th grade year, I had a science teacher. You know, the kind that you just can’t stand being with, the ones who just think they’re the best, and you know absolutely nothing. This one day, she gave us this assignment called “How much is that Parasite in the Window?,” a messed up assignment about your pet and what kind of Sybiotic relationship you had with it. Oh yea, there was no argument, she would say Mutual all the time, all the time She’d Say “You benefit by learning responsibility, getting entertainment, and telling someone your secrets.” YEA RIGHT!

You know, the relationship I have with my guinea pig is PARASITIC. In fact, the guinea pig is living in my intestinal tracks at this very moment. Oh yea, I learn some real responsibility there, feeding this guinea pig lodged deep in my intestines. I get some real entertainment, always wondering whether or not that guinea pig will bite through my spleen, hours and hours of joy right there. Also, I have some real friendship, and I REALLY enjoy talking to my intestines all day. Yea. I sure do.


Anonymous said...

eeevil is upon us!

Anonymous said...

what now edwin?
now there's evidence

Anonymous said...

i think i'm the only visitor of theis site that's not mike of geoffrey.

jk lol

the last two jokes on this r good

put more on

Mike Kopreski said...

hey, it's nick!

Anonymous said...

I agree. completely. there are probably like 10 different ppl who have ever visited this site.

lol, nobody's even paying attention tothe blog entries, we're turning it into a chatroom. haha.

Mike Kopreski said...

i'm not chatting...

Anonymous said...

wow, you have too much time

Anonymous said...

wtf, i dont have too much free time. it takes all of 3.1415926535897932384
minutes to check out who said what in the chat rooms here. and post somewhat witty responses.

and in true 'me' fashion, the universal response to everything


Anonymous said...

yeah, you're chatting.
suck it up.