If you haven't seen something like that playing a game, I REALLY have to wonder what kind of game you even like to play.
Just to clear up some confusion,
()-An "O"
4-An "A"
5-An "S"
$-An "S"
7- A "T"
3- An "E"
Whoa, what kind of freaks would type like that? I know I wouldn't.
Seriously though, what kind of weirdo-freakazoids type with numbers? I fear for them. I mean really, I can't spell correctly, yet I can understand misplaced numbers in the middle of random gibberish? Yea right.
"Hello Mister Computer Nerd"
"Z()MG WTF Y()U $4Y Tat R()F1"
I mean seriously, how would you say that in real life?
"Z Zero MG WTF Y One U Dollar sign four Y Tat R Zero F One"
It would be funny if somone acually said that though.
Hey, I'm anonymous again!
How did you learn this? (oh, duckie told you)
I would have to agree, though, those people who are in seventh grade and play runescape sure do make up funny codes. You, of course, aren't one of them. You are in your late fifties at least.
Guess who it is! (still not geff)
Thanks for spelling my name right, Isabella.
at least this site allows anonymous posting.
who's also in his late fifties.
without a doubt. what are you doing here anyhow, you teenage punk? stop harassing "old men".
Now i'm insomaniac!
And I'm communicating with the ooollllddd! and undead. but there isn't much difference. old punk. "Geoff"
sry mista Z! yo dog, how ya hanging?! ooooolllllldddd.....
Hey, I have funny, messed up HTML in my first post! Cool!
you're so not cool that its funny, insomniac. stop taking up EDWIN ZHANG's blog comment space.
non 50 year old edwin.
you're coming to my party btw, right?
and good job by the way, edwin on having like however many hits from the same like 10 ppl.
Guess who!!!!!
(Not Geff or Isabella)
um. you misspelled my name so it's probably jessie. am i right?
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