Fire Drills, twice monthly, annoying all the time. What they do is "simulate" a fire, and make us WALK OUT IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!
Psht. That's hardly realistic. Let me show you.
"Oh look, the fire bell rung, everyone, in a orderly line outside. Wait for that class before you! Oh, and don't take anything with you."
Realistic in a real fire? I think not. Here's an example of what really happens.
Whoa. A big difference eh? What would really happen if you used the supposed "orderly fashion?"
"Ok, everyone calm down, we'll just walk out slowly to avoid fire that is moving twice the speed of us. Oh yes, wait for that class before you, they're more important than you and we hardly care anything about you."
"Teachers go through this door, in an orderly fashion as well, and we're ditching you all! Good luck with the fire!"
*Room Explodes*
"If you survive the fire, none of this ever happened".
Oooh, strange coincidence, teh verification code is eerily close to 'lvms'.
I'm Insomniac again!
50 year old geoff, stop giving hints to where mista Z goes to school.
oh, ed - uhh, Mista Z, congratulations on making 20 hits, mainly by me an geoff. I think your jokes are funny.
I generally assume anonymity (?), but with geoffrey...
hey, you're the one who said he's 50 years old! pah! you're now a suspicious individual and nobody can trust you.
way to go, suspicious-individual-face!
riight. Nice one, monsieur ed. rofl.
Crazy punk
ho hum.......who r u french-knowing dude? sean?
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