Thursday, December 21, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
What did Pi say...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Stupid Math Substitute
We had a substitute for our Algebra 1 Class.
She knew nothing.
At all.
I'm serious, she had NO idea what we were doing in class.
It WAS hilarious though.
She gave us a table. The question was to find how many combinations you could put Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies to equal 42 cents.
Apparently she already gave us the table.
We copied it.
She said we were supposed to solve for the Zero's.
Q-1, D-0, N-1, P-12 = 42 cents
I said "But it's already solved."
She said "Shut up"
Apparently she knew a lot more about addition than I did.
We learned to graph Inequalities.
Not a difficult thing to do, seeing that I already knew how, in fact I am years ahead of everyone else, me doing calculus and calculating velocity and distance, and everyone in my class knew.
The teacher didn't.
As we graphed, she just walked up and drew a random square.
I just think to myself "WTF?!"
She's like, Guys you have to draw it in a square like that picture in the example, or else you will be CONFUSED, if you don't draw your graphs on squares.
She said "Math is not random. I'm not pulling this from nowhere."
Ironically, she drew this random line.
"This is the line in the graph." wasn't.
"It looks pretty with the way it's shaded."
"You see," pointing at the chalk board. "The example picture is better because the green and the yellow shading makes it sooooo clear and precise."
She said we had to learn to graph in little squares for the rest of our lives, or we couldn't do anything more advanced than drawing that linear equation.
We had a hell of a laugh session right there.
Me. Doing Calculus. She had no idea how do draw a line.
At the end of the period we had to leave.
She gave us homework. From nowhere.
Do questions 42-47, and then 48-52.
Na, I'll just do question 47.5, 'cause I'm sooo bad.
I pretended to write it down with my pen.
I picked up 3 sheets of graph paper to "Use."
On the way out I crumpled it all up and threw it in the trash.
You had to be there.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
I am sooooo good.
I'm just awesome like that.
See that? I just typed my 25th word.
Take that school.
The school programmers really are sucky.
I mean seriously.
I got past.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
He LET me use the computer.
Thats right.
: )
No. Seriously.
I think.
Well he WOULD if i untaped his mouth, untied the rope, and took him out of the closet.
If you are up enough to read this well, I'm Scared.
Truly Scared.
Of course, I am up here posting so uh...
Shut up.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Life: Saturday 12/9/06
Really sucky.
I mean like it has 16Mhz processor.
now I can write down 3 letters a minute!
It has great RAM too.
Now i can run all my SYSTEMS IDLE MEMORY
and i can look at 16 letters AT THE SAME TIME!
Well not much time to talk, my sister's at the movie theatres, and her room is completely vulnerable.
She'll never find the needle...
He he..
Life: Saturday 12/9/06
Well here I am doing a post now.
What now suckers???
I made a post, IN YOUR FACE.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Many thanks to my sister, for drinking the darned stuff, as well as the mispronunciation that led me to this picture.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Made in China

Welcome, symbol of American pride, the American flag, we pledge allegiance to it daily, it is the American motivation. Undoubtebly, it too is probabely Made In China.
What kind of lack of pride would let you mass-produce the Symbol of America be made in China? Sure, cheap labour, but how does this affect how we are?
I mean seriously, dont you think that if you want something American, have it made in America?
All American China-Made flags. A real joy to hang on your wall.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
"How's the weather?"

R()T1 WTF H3'5 T41k1NG 4B()()T?
Consider this, assuming you seem always to be there at an instance of "Eerie silence" or what "Normal" people call "Awkward silence," I always seem to get annoyed at those people who think they're so cool, and want to start a conversation.
"So, how's the weather?"
Inside I just think to myself,
What the fcuk are you talking about? Are you BLIND? Can't you just glance up at the sky and see that it's raining? It's sunny?
Heh, maybe he's just too lazy to find out for himself, and i respond,
"Yea, its great weather here, nice and sunny and stuff."
"Wow, a real improvement from yesterday isn't it?"
"Yesterday was sunnier than this."
"Oh, well um..."
And then you see them stumble away, thinking to themselves,
"What is the weather anyways?"
Is it necessary to ask questions about the obvious?
Monday, October 23, 2006
Fire Drills

Fire Drills, twice monthly, annoying all the time. What they do is "simulate" a fire, and make us WALK OUT IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!
Psht. That's hardly realistic. Let me show you.
"Oh look, the fire bell rung, everyone, in a orderly line outside. Wait for that class before you! Oh, and don't take anything with you."
Realistic in a real fire? I think not. Here's an example of what really happens.
Whoa. A big difference eh? What would really happen if you used the supposed "orderly fashion?"
"Ok, everyone calm down, we'll just walk out slowly to avoid fire that is moving twice the speed of us. Oh yes, wait for that class before you, they're more important than you and we hardly care anything about you."
"Teachers go through this door, in an orderly fashion as well, and we're ditching you all! Good luck with the fire!"
*Room Explodes*
Sunday, October 22, 2006
1337 Sp33k

If you haven't seen something like that playing a game, I REALLY have to wonder what kind of game you even like to play.
Just to clear up some confusion,
()-An "O"
4-An "A"
5-An "S"
$-An "S"
7- A "T"
3- An "E"
Whoa, what kind of freaks would type like that? I know I wouldn't.
Seriously though, what kind of weirdo-freakazoids type with numbers? I fear for them. I mean really, I can't spell correctly, yet I can understand misplaced numbers in the middle of random gibberish? Yea right.
"Hello Mister Computer Nerd"
"Z()MG WTF Y()U $4Y Tat R()F1"
I mean seriously, how would you say that in real life?
"Z Zero MG WTF Y One U Dollar sign four Y Tat R Zero F One"
It would be funny if somone acually said that though.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
"Are you OK???"

Y'know, there are always those people, the ones with the shifty eyes, they're just watching out for someone to screw up and hurt themselves. You might get hit by a car, and the driver runs out, and asks you "Are You OK??" The Agents of Redundancy.
Inside, you just wanna say, "Who the fcuk do you think I am? SUPERMAN?"
Yet you still respond, "Yea, I'm fine."
"Just a broken spinal cord, permanent brain damage, a ruptured spleen, but I'll make it out OK, just that, could you like, send me over to a hospital? You know, do a guy a favor."
Friday, October 20, 2006
A Science Assignment
You know, back in the days of my 7th grade year, I had a science teacher. You know, the kind that you just can’t stand being with, the ones who just think they’re the best, and you know absolutely nothing. This one day, she gave us this assignment called “How much is that Parasite in the Window?,” a messed up assignment about your pet and what kind of Sybiotic relationship you had with it. Oh yea, there was no argument, she would say Mutual all the time, all the time She’d Say “You benefit by learning responsibility, getting entertainment, and telling someone your secrets.” YEA RIGHT!
You know, the relationship I have with my guinea pig is PARASITIC. In fact, the guinea pig is living in my intestinal tracks at this very moment. Oh yea, I learn some real responsibility there, feeding this guinea pig lodged deep in my intestines. I get some real entertainment, always wondering whether or not that guinea pig will bite through my spleen, hours and hours of joy right there. Also, I have some real friendship, and I REALLY enjoy talking to my intestines all day. Yea. I sure do.